VWR International - National Distributor of VetEquip products to the life sciences research community
All products distributed through VWR
Absolute Anesthesia
Mitch Madison
3818 Patrick Henry Highway
Piney River, VA 22964
Phone: 434-277-9360
Voicemail: 434-522-1632
Fax: 434-277-9361
Email: absolutevetserv@aol.com
Website: www.absoluteanesthesiaco.com
Territory: MD, NC, VA
Colonial Medical Supply Co, Inc.
Susan Fleming
6 Fox Street
PO Box 554
Windham, NH 03087
Phone: 603-328-5130
Toll Free: 888-446-8427
Fax: 603-328-8921
Email: cms@colmedsupply.com
Website: www.colmedsupply.com/welcome.html
Territory: NH, VT, ME, MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, PA
Lab Etc. Inc.
Wil Wilson
PO Box 111
468 Black Stallion Rd.
Clayton, DE 19938
Phone: 877-4LABetc (877-452-2382)
Fax: 302-653-8472
Website: www.labetc.net
Robert's Anesthesia Repair
Erin Fullerton
9751 W. 44th Ave. #119
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Phone: 303-420-5147
Toll-Free: 800-981-6503
Fax: 303-420-5148
Website: anesthesiarepair.com
Territory: CO, KS, NE, NM, MT, UT, WY
Vetamac, Inc.
PO Box 178
22 West Main Street
Rossville, IN 46065
Phone: 800-334-1583
Fax: 765-379-9722
Email: info@vetamac.com
Website: www.vetamac.com
Territory: Iowa, Indiana, Ohio