VWR International - National Distributor of VetEquip products to the life sciences research community
All products distributed through VWR
VWR (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
2nd Floor, Building 4,
Lane 998, Halei Road,
Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park
Shanghai , 201203 China
Hotline: 800 820 3936
Email: lily_lu@vwr.com
Website: www.vwrsp.com
Territory: China
Solve Corporation
Kuniaki Suzuki – Executive Officer
2-16-9, Shinoharahigashi,
Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama
Kanagawa-Pre. 222-0022
Phone: +81 (0)45 438 4885
FAX: +81 (0)45 438 4886
Email: info@solve.co.jp
Territory: Japan, Korea, China
Abesko Co., Ltd.
#2138-5, Daehwa-dong, IIsanseo-gu,
Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Phone: +82 31 918 2581
Fax: +82 31 918 2582
C/P: +82 11 9168 7132
Email: helios0715@yahoo.co.kr
Territory: Korea
Bio-One Sci Instrument Co.Ltd
Phone: 86 10 64841721/27
Fax: 86 10 64842771
Email: sales@bio-one.cn
Website: www.bio-one.cn
Territory: Northern China
Dail Scientific Trade Co.
Medical & Scientific Supplier
Young-Seok, Lee
903-9, Bongcheon-dong, Gwanak-gu,
Seoul, Korea 151-840
Phone: +82-2-887-3116
Fax: +82-2-337-3742
Email: dailtrade@naver.com
Website: www.Lab365.co.kr
Territory: Korea
EMKA Biotech Hong Kong Co., Ltd
Rms 1318-20, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road,
Mongkok, Kowloon, HK
Phone: 00852-35000568 or 00852-27108200-3296
Fax: 00852-27810816
Email: info@bjgyd.com
Website: www.bjgyd.com
Territory: Hong Kong, Southern China
Beijing GYD Labtech Co., Ltd
Rm 3-2108, No 93, Jianguo Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022, China
Phone: 0086-10-58204939
Fax: 0086-10-58208944
Email: info@bjgyd.com
Website: www.bjgyd.com
Territory: Beijing and Northern China
Shanghai Qichi Instruments Co. Ltd.
Ryan Huang
Xinjian East Road,
Shanghai 201100, P.R.China
Phone: +86-21-54158764 (ext. 805)
Fax: +86-21-64125657
Email: ryan@qichi-instruments.com
Website: www.qichi-instruments.com/main/index.aspx
Territory: China
Mr. Kevin Chao Liu
Mobile: +86-138-1024-6685
Email: cliu@winsunchina.com
Website: www.winsunchina.com
Territory: China and Hong Kong SAR
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Co.
405, Lalleshwari Vatika, Sector-21D.
GH-12, Faridabad - 121001, Haryana, INDIA.
Mob: +91 9818615544, 9711201522.
Telefax: +91 129 4084999, Fax: +91 129 4086405.
Email: technologiesadvanced@yahoo.co.in or info@techadvanced.net
Website: www.techadvanced.net
Territory: India
Benson Medical Industries Inc.
151 Esna Park Drive
Markham Ontario L3R 3B1
Phone: 1-800-563-3859
Fax: 1-888-900-3131
Email: mail@bensonmedical.ca
Website: www.bensonmedical.ca
Territory: Canada
VWR International
8567 chemin Dalton
Ville Mont-Royal (Québec) H4T-1V5 (Canada)
Tel: 514-228-0710 / 800-932-5000 x 170710
Fax: 514-344-0133/ 800-668-6348
Website: https://ca.vwr.com
Territory: Canada
CROmed Research
Tel: +36 1 459 1500 ext 60238
Fax: +36 1 399 30 40
Email: office@cromedresearch.com
Website: www.cromedresearch.com
Territory: Middle-Europe and Eastern-Europe
KF Technology Srl
Office: Via Amedeo Bocchi 84 -00125 Rome
Phone: (+39) 06 454.34.179
mobile:(+39) 339 533.03.22
Fax: (+39) 06 9725.3131- SkyPe : kft2002
Email: fabrizio@kftechnology.it (Fabrizio Barbieri)
Website: www.kftechnology.it
Territory: Italy, France, UK, Germany, EUROPE
LaboChema LT
Aurimas Macernius
Projektu vadovas (Project Leader)
Vilnius, Lietuva/Lithuania
Tel: +370 5 2751118
Fax: +370 5 2757980
Mobile: +370 610 09585
Website: www.labochema.lt
Territory: Lithuania
Gedco center. Horch Tabet
Greater Beirut .55440
Email: admin@dpcleb.com
Website: www.dpcleb.com
Territory: Middle East
Fylone Medical Est.
Ph. Harry Askali
Office/Sales Coordinator
Al-Dahran Road, Villa 18, Malaz District
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel. No.:+966 1 4724500
Fax No.:+966 1 4735030
E-mail: harry@fylone-medical.com
Territory: Middle East
Y Corporation of America, Inc
Contact: Pedro Yunis
8280 NW 68 St
Miami, FL 33166
Tel: 305-6298808
Fax: 305-6298809
E-mail: pyunis@aol.com or ycorp@aol.com
Territory: Mexico, Brazil and Latin America